Yuli: Walami Hiking Trail(瓦拉米古道)

The Walami Hiking Trail is the east section of the Batongguan Japanese Era Crossing Trail. During the Japanese Occupation Era, the trail was used to be the main passage from eastern Taiwan, across the central mountains, to Dongpu(Nantou) in western Taiwan. In addition to being a key transport route, and a means of collecting wood from the Central Mountains, the trail was also used by the Japanese to control the local Bunun aboriginal tribe, who were hostile to the Japanese occupation. Walami, the name of the trail, is said to have originated from the word “Maravi", in Bunun language. In Bunun, “Maravi" refers to the types of ferns, which flourish throughout the Walami area. Hiking the trail, you will be surrounded by greenery. Not only will you experience the amazing landscapes of the valleys & mountains, but you may also encounter some wild animals, like Formosan rock-monkeys, serows, or even a rare Swinhoe’s Blue Pheasant. In addition to the rich ecosystem, there are a few suspension bridges and ancient Bunun ruins along the trail. April & May is also the perfect season for admiring the fireflies and Tung flowers (Aleurites montana) in the Walami area. There’s so much nature to see in the Walami area, so what are you waiting for? 😉


在登山前可先去南安遊客中心參觀,提供玉山國家公園及瓦拉米步道的詳細介紹,亦可觀看相關影片(約三十分鐘)。前往登山口途中,亦有南安瀑布及鹿鳴吊橋可供遊覽。而考慮瓦拉米步道的遊客,依個人體能狀況及時間,可考慮三種步行路線(Three suggested hiking routes):


1. 注意自身安全,當心台灣黑熊、虎頭蜂、螞蝗,及夏日常出沒的蛇類。
2. 建議穿著長袖、長褲及登山鞋。請遵守國家公園規範及警示標誌。
3. 玉管處在步道沿途都有設立國家公園規範及警示標誌,請尊重彼此和大自然。而有計畫到瓦拉米山屋過夜的遊客,看到野生動物千萬不可餵食,亦不能將食物、廚餘放置野外,如遭遇不具攻擊性的野生動物來覓食也就罷了,萬一是台灣黑熊,那自己看著辦吧。

基本上,瓦拉米是一個老少咸宜的天然原始步道。玉山國家公園內天然資源豐富、野生動植物種繁多,除了有機會看到台灣獼猴、黃鼬等野生動物外,我亦曾一睹千元鈔票上藍腹鷴的美麗真面目。同時,瓦拉米區域曾是布農族的生活範圍,在日據時代亦設有日警駐在所、招待所…等設施,雖早已拆除,不過在健行期間,仍可窺見幾處舊社遺址。在每年四月至五月更是欣賞油桐花與螢火蟲的好時節,如果有機會來到玉里,可別錯過了。 🙂

More info here:
Yushan National Park Headquarter (玉山國家公園管理處)